Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Basic information on Cataracts

bright eyes cataract

Is there someone in your family who has been recently diagnosed with cataracts? Then all sorts of questions like what are cataracts, what are cataracts’ causes, what are cataracts treatments, what are cataracts risk factors and preventions will probably be on your mind. Here are some answers to your questions.

A cataract is a condition caused by a cross-linking of proteins within the crystalline structure of the lens of the eye that leads to a clouding or yellowing of the natural lens inside of the eye. This causes a decrease in vision and will eventually lead to complete blindness if left untreated as light cannot reach the retina at the back of the eye. There are several different types of cataracts. The different types are defined by the part of the lens that they affect. Nuclear cataracts and cortical cataracts are the most common forms of this condition.

Symptoms of bright eyes cataract include blurry or dim vision, fading colors, poor night vision, halos appearing around lights, and sensitivity to bright lights.

Most cases of cataracts are age related and developed gradually over time. In the mild to moderate stages a cataract does not normally disturb routine, nor cause discomfort or pain in the eye or alter the external appearance of the eye apart from it looking cloudy.
Prolonged ultra-violet light exposure and long-term use of medications such as steroids are known to cause cataracts. The risk factors which accelerate cataracts include; diabetes, glaucoma, smoking, high blood pressure and drinking.
If left untreated, cataracts will eventually lead to blindness. In fact, there are almost 18 million people who are bilaterally blind from cataract i.e. cataracts cause almost 48% of the world’s blindness.

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